Waiting On Wednesday: 09-25-13

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly feature by Jill at Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming book releases that we're excited about! It's a fun way to share with others the books that you're eagerly awaiting to be released and you are excited about. This week's pre-publication that "I-Can't-Wait-To-Read" selection is:


While Beauty Slept
by Elizabeth Blackwell
Expected publication: February 20th 2014
Hardcover, 432 pages
by Amy Einhorn Books/Putnam

 A beautiful princess lies in a sleep so deep it is close to death. Was Sleeping Beauty revived by a prince's kiss? What really happened in that tower so long ago?

While Beauty Slept re-imagines the legend through the lens of historical fiction, telling the story as if it really happened. A Gothic tale of suspense and ambition, love and loss, it interweaves the story of a royal family and the servants who see behind the glamorous facade, following the journey of a young woman as she lives out a destiny that leads her to the brink of death. Add to Goodreads.


The Brothers Grimm meets The Thirteenth Tale

While Beauty Slept combines some of my favorite elements in a book: a lush and rich historical, Gothic Suspense, and a re-imagining of a Fairy Tale. I'm really excited to read this "behind the scene" version! The books blurb promises "Readers will be swept away by Blackwell's descriptions of the glamour and opulence of court life, juxtaposed by the jealousy and evil that lurk beneath." Oh-I can't wait!

Hey Book Loving Friends-

PLEASE don't forget to leave me your blog address in you comments so I can visit you back!  THANKS!!


Avid reader, I enjoy reading all kinds of genres including: Paranormal, Urban, Steampunk, Dystopia, Fantasy, and Gothic, Horror and of course Romance, just to name a few. From Swoony Romances to Zombies and everything in between. 


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