Review: Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto

Revenge of the Wild by Michelle Modesto Book Cover


The two-bit town of Rogue City is a lawless place, full of dark magic and saloon brawls, monsters and six-shooters. But it’s perfect for seventeen-year-old Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of local inventor Nigel Butler.

Westie was only a child when she lost her arm and her family to cannibals on the wagon trail. Nine years later, Westie may seem fearsome with her foul-mouthed tough exterior and the powerful mechanical arm built for her by Nigel, but the memory of her past still haunts her. She’s determined to make the killers pay for their crimes—and there’s nothing to stop her except her own reckless ways.

But Westie’s search ceases when a wealthy family comes to town looking to invest in Nigel’s latest invention, a machine that can harvest magic from gold—which Rogue City desperately needs as the magic wards that surround the city start to fail. There’s only one problem: the investors look exactly like the family who murdered Westie’s kin. With the help of Nigel’s handsome but scarred young assistant, Alistair, Westie sets out to prove their guilt. But if she’s not careful, her desire for revenge could cost her the family she has now.

This thrilling novel is a remarkable tale of danger and discovery, from debut author Michelle Modesto.

Book Details

Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto
On Sale Date: February 2, 2016
Juvenile Fiction \ Fantasy & Magic
Ages 14 And Up, Grades 9 And Up
Balzer + Bray, 384 pages
Source: ARC
My Rating: 4.5 Stars


Book Review

Cannibals, Ogres, and Vampires...Oh, My!

Revenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto is a fantastic mash-up of genres that mixes elements together in a wildly eclectic and entertaining read. There're touches of the Wild West, Steampunk, and Paranormal that blend seamlessly together creating a thrilling and almost heady read. 

Rogue City - Gritty and Untamable   

Rogue City has that old west vibe of grit and untamableness that boast both danger and excitement. Only this city possesses some creatures straight of myth and fairy tale along with some curious steampunk elements and tinker's gadgets.  The story opens up with our protagonist Westie riding back from a long journey in the wilds back to her home in Rogue City.  Westie soon finds herself breaking up a rowdy fight between an ogre, elf and a drunk, young man dressed up like a dandy! On the sidelines vampires - safe and protected under awnings with their dark-lensed goggles, are cheering from the local blood-brothel. From there debut author Michelle Modesto weaves in a layered, page-turning plot of dangerous cannibals, dwindling magic, and a feisty heroine seeking revenge at all costs. 

The Fearsome Heroine With A Mechanical Arm

This debut standalone boasts not only great world building and mash-up of genres but a fearless heroine and a side cast of characters that readers can fall in love with. Seventeen-year-old Westie, the notoriously adopted daughter of local town inventor/tinker Nigel Butler, is all rough around the edges, but so easy to love! She is foul-mouthed, ahem -unladylike, with a tough exterior that melds perfectly with her fierce and devoted attitude. She is almost relentless in her quest for revenge, yet those she loves most have the strongest pull for our heroine. On a side note: Westie has a mechanical arm that is truely a killer aspect of the story. How she got it...I'll leave you to discover. How she kicks arse with it... I'll leave you to discover as well! The cast of secondary characters are unique and complex, ones you end up swooning for, relating too, and booing for as well. 

Unsavory Soup and Vampire Crushes

There's definitely a light touch of the gruesome as Westie comes across some twisted surprises and challenging situations. Revenge and the Wild captured the essence a darker novel, yet mingles it perfectly with lighter touches so readers are sent shivers then suddenly thrust into a moment of sweetness or action that takes us away from that dastardly moment. Um, wow, one vampire, in particular, is very interesting.

The Boy In The Mask
Will Make You Swoon Without Saying A Word

Fans of romance will not be disappointed in young tinker, Alistair-the boy in the mask, who is simply going to make you melt and put your heart on a plate. Just like Westie, Alistair has suffered greatly and as a results from a near-death attack from cannibals, he wears a mechanical mask that helps him to speak. There's a slow burn between Alistair and Westie, that I loved! At times, these two are distracted with all that is surrounding them, but I so wanted their HEA. Michelle Modesto writes sweet and sensuous, fade to black, moments that the romantic in me was sighing over.

Deadly Parasols, Pistols, Corpses and Carriages

There is no shortage of action and danger in Revenge of and the Wild. Westie maneuvers between her coming-out party, duals, and murder with humorous moments of accidents, she's a bit clumsy and awkward in a dress, with deadly precision holding a gun. I loved this combination creating a realistic heroine and sympathetic heroine. I want a parasol like Westie's!

What a Terrific Debut!

A standalone that is such a fun mash-up of genres and with a heroine to love, a romance to swoon for, and action and adventure to thrill at. I'm a fan of Michelle Modesto and will definitely be keeping the lookout for her books in the future!


Avid reader, I enjoy reading all kinds of genres including: Paranormal, Urban, Steampunk, Dystopia, Fantasy, and Gothic, Horror and of course Romance, just to name a few. From Swoony Romances to Zombies and everything in between.

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