Book Reviews Kim Book Reviews Kim

Young Adult Book Review: Lailah by Nikki Kelly

With Lailah, Nikki Kelly took the typical themes of vampires vs. angels, bad vs. good, and gave us some surprising shades of gray. I love it when characters break out of the stereotypical role and are multifaceted. Showings sides of both, making it hard to choose who is the real villain, who is really good, and who's a little of both. Lailah, Gabriel, and Jonah are all multifaceted, and to a degree, I never felt completely sure just how much they each carried in traits normally assumed to be 'vampire' and 'angel' or something altogether different.

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Book Reviews Kim Book Reviews Kim

Review: Sky Pirates (The Chronicles of Light and Shadow Series #3 )by Liesel Schwarz

Sky Pirates is the third book in Liesel Schwarz's series The Chronicles of Light and Shadow and continues to be an entertaining read with a touch of Steampunk and Paranormal that keeps things fun and interesting. Filled with globe trotting adventure and romance, this series follows spunky heroine Elle as this time around she travels to the far reaches of the jungles of Cambodia in search of a way to break the curse that traps her beloved Hugh who is trapped between the realm of Light and Shadow, forced to wonder as a wraith in the dark recesses of the Netherworld.

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