Young Adult Book Review: Invisible by Dawn Metcalf

Title: Invisible
Series: The Twixt #2
Author: Dawn Metcalf
Genre Type: Fantasy, Fairies
Publication Date: September 30th 2014
Source: Publisher
Publisher: Harlequin Teen


Some things lie beneath the surface.


With the power to change everything.

Joy Malone wants it all—power, freedom and the boyfriend who loves her. Yet when an unstoppable assassin is hired to kill her, Joy learns that being the girl with the Sight comes with a price that might be too high to pay. Love will be tested, lives will be threatened, and everyone Joy knows and cares about will be affected by her decision to stand by Ink or to leave the Twixt forever.

Her choice is balanced on a scalpel's edge and the consequences will be more life-altering than anyone can guess.

Invisible will lure you into the dark, dangerous, and enchanting world of the Twixt where the hidden world of the Fae comes to life.

With this second story of the Twixt, author Dawn Metcalf once again delighted me with her Fae creatures and all the strange inhabitants of the Faerie realm. Many who would be happily found alongside a Grimm tale. I loved how they are creepy and compelling at the same time, and this time around Joy Malone finds the members of the Twixt have a need of a very special talent she has!

In Indelible we are introduced to the amazing creatures that populate the Twixt and witness the slow and utterly sweet romance between Joy and Ink grow. Now, with Invisible, Dawn Metcalf gives us greater worldbuiling, a richer realm of the Fae to enjoy and deepens the connection between Joy and Ink. The plot moves along at a fast pace as a new characters is introduced, a deadly assassin from the darker realms of the Twixt that threatens Joy and all those she holds dear.

Joy is a great heroine, a bit sassy with a knack for finding herself in the middle of faerie trouble. The Twixt are very curious about Joy, and have no problem crossing over into her mundane human realm seeking her out. Some benign, others definitely not so. There is some great one-to-one time spent between her and the various Twixt creatures, the Cabana Boys, and the Bailiwick himself, my favorite amphibious like Fae.

Ink, as part of the Twist, will pull at your heart-strings as he continues to feel and experience human emotions and love through his connection to Joy. The simplest gestures between these two is guaranteed to melt you heart.

Invisible surpassed my expectations as the second book. My love for this series just keeps growing. Greater worldbuilding of the Twixt, an exciting action and plot, and the continuing sweet romance between Joy and Ink makes this a new favorite.

My Rating: 4.5 Stars. I really liked it!

PLEASE NOTE: A copy of this book was provided by Harlequin Teen in exchange for my fair and honest review. Thank you Harlequin Teen for the review opportunity!


Avid reader, I enjoy reading all kinds of genres including: Paranormal, Urban, Steampunk, Dystopia, Fantasy, and Gothic, Horror and of course Romance, just to name a few. From Swoony Romances to Zombies and everything in between.

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