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Book Review: White Space by Ilsa J. Bick

White Space by Ilsa J. Bick is the first title in the new young adult, two-book series called The Dark Passages. White Space takes the concept of alternate realities and combines it with horror and mystery where the characters of a novel come alive and exist in a reality between the lines.

There is definitely a sense of being dropped into the story without a clue of what's going on as the reader is taken through a blurred reality where dark and terrifying things are lurking in the White Space. The protagonist Emma is a seventeen-year-old who has just written a scary story for her high school teacher entitled "White Space" about several kids who get stranded in a spooky house during a blizzard. For the first 30% of the book, remember it's a walloping 560 pages, I had no clue what was really going on in the book, other than what the its blurb described. This was in a sense both good and bad. It was good in the fact that I was to enjoy the ride knowing this was a fractured story and that pieces were going to be slowly revealed.  On the other hand, it was bad because I expected a high payoff in the end and didn't really feel like I got it.

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